Monday, November 23, 2009

Extreme Nature

(I attempted to find the source of this photo to give proper credit but the server link was broken, so apologies to the photographer)

In my research, I sometimes come across an image that knocks me sideways.  The storm photo shown above was one of those times.  As far as I know this was not a "manufactured" image but was of an actual piece of weather. 

One of my representing galleries recently sold a painting called Before the Vortex that was partly inspired by the photo above.  I had the pleasure of delivering it to a very well informed client who lives locally.  This painting has brought up more questions about my intent than other paintings done around the same time.  I find this curious and I am of the opinion that the bear here would find it curious too.  My point here was that as modern day humans we are fascinated, awed and increasingly trepidatious by extremes of natural elements.  All of us reading this blog eat, drive, work, play and sleep in insulated environments.  Over the last few centuries we have become distant to the ways of the natural world.  In my mind this bear has no such trepidation.  He may be wary and even fearful of the tornado but he is not anxious about what may happen, he understands this is happening and he will react accordingly and objectively.  My answer to the questions about my intent were that the bear is asking us to question our place in this.  Are we to follow his lead or are we just the viewer of this scene?  Are we "in the picture" or out of it?


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